After completing Sprint 1, receiving feedback from my colleagues and learning more about the system, and git I felt more confident with my contributions to the overall project. In line with what I did during the previous sprint which was restructuring the backend folder, this time around I would restructure the API folder. Below is the link to the restructuring issue. You’ll realize that we used the same issue for backend as well. That wasn’t intentional but we stuck with it.
Restructuring is quite a sensitive job and requires special attention in my opinion since the changes submitted would literally affect everyone’s work. I’ll give an example that we went through as a team. During my work, I made a poor judgement about a file named package.json and deleted it. This file contained specifications of some of the development and release dependencies. At the moment, I thought this wasn’t a much-needed file hence the reason I removed it.
After several other modifications, moving of files and folders I created a merge request for my branch. This merge request did not pass the pipeline. I shared this with my colleagues, and we mostly thought it was because the pipeline hadn’t been customized to correctly analyze our work. Later on, my work would be merged despite the pipeline failure. This was a terrible mistake and I’ll explain how we got it fixed. We collectively decided to revert this merge and take a closer look into the issue. This was the first step into the right direction. The reason why I had pushed for this request to be merged was because I thought it would be great for everyone to work with an updated file structure.
We started taking pipeline failures seriously, and later one, a teammate would figure out how to fix the pipeline and everything worked better from then going forward. This was a great breakthrough even though my commits were failing, it was nice to know that other’s had theirs passed.
With further investigation and reading through the logs produced by the pipeline, I noticed that I had skipped a statement that said, “…couldn’t find package.json file…” It was at this moment that I realized that deleting the stated file was a bad idea and now had to reinstate it. All teammates who had pulled in the latest changes except one, had already lost this file because my previous merge had deleted it. It was from him that I got the package.json file again and reinstated it. The pipeline stopped failing and started passing with all my commits that followed. We were in a better position than before where it was completely failing. Below is the link to the merged request;
Moving on, I plan on assisting my teammates who seem to be having a little struggle with their portion of the system. Specifically, I want to participate in the creation of tests using Chai Script. I believe it will be a great learning experience for me.
In conclusion, Sprint 2 has been a great experience for me especially by being caution when it comes to restructuring development files and folders.
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