Sunday, January 22, 2023

Thea's Food Pantry and LibreFoodPantry

 It's such a great opportunity contributing to a meaningful project like Thea's Food Pantry, an open source program dedicated to Worcester State University students who might find themselves in need of food supplies. The program was established so that students can focus more on their learning rather than worrying about going without food. Food insecurity is a reality that affects a third of Massachusetts college students due to various factors such as hikes due to inflation and heavy financial burdens for instance paying student loans.
LibreFoodPanty is the opensource infrastructure on which Thea's Food Pantry operates. It's a template roadmap of principles that we'll be using to build and connect features on Thea's Food Pantry. Going through the docs, LibreFoodPantry (LFP) had an interesting user story map in picture format that shows different roles and responsibilities of users which I found to be interesting. Some of the roles include administration, staff, guest and donor. It's always a good thing to have visual like this before writing any line of code as it creates clarity of what needs to be done.
Thea's Food Pantry also has user stories but in a textual format that shows how the intended users of the software currently work and the guide to the design of the software. They have the same user roles as shown in LPF but detailed such as displaying a blank page when a new guest access the system.
Overall, the two systems are a solid foundation for practicing how to write opensource software products.

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